About Us

About Us

Who We Are?

INTREKK TRAVEL AGENCY (ITA) is part of a larger company and operates within the office of INTREKK SARL. ITA caters to a diverse range of customers with varying needs and preferences. Our categories of customers include individual leisure travelers, business travelers, families, students, solo travelers, honeymooners, group travelers, seniors, event attendees, expatriates, budget travelers, luxury travelers, adventure seekers, cultural enthusiasts, last-minute travelers, medical travelers, visiting friends and relatives, and digital nomads. See our customer page for details.

Interested individuals and organizations can visit us in person to receive personalized assistance with their travel needs. We offer a range of services to assist clients in planning and booking their trips.

We aim to offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals, groups and organizations to receive face-to-face assistance in planning their travels. Our services are designed to simplify the travel planning process and enhance the overall travel experience for their our clients. We tailor our services to meet the specific needs and preferences of each group, providing a more personalized and satisfying travel experience for our customers.

Individual Leisure Travelers

Individuals seeking flight bookings for personal vacations, holidays, or short getaways

Business Travelers

Professionals requiring flights for business trips, conferences, meetings, and other work-related travel


Families planning trips together, including parents, children, and possibly extended family members


Students booking flights for educational purposes, such as studying abroad or participating in exchange programs

Solo Travelers

Individuals traveling alone for various reasons, including adventure, self-discovery, or personal exploration


Newlyweds or couples planning romantic getaways and honeymoon trips

Group Travelers

Groups of friends, colleagues, or social organizations planning group trips, tours, or vacations


Older individuals looking for travel options that cater to their specific needs and preferences

Event Attendees

Customers attending events, conferences, or special occasions that require air travel


Individuals living and working in a country other than their home country, requiring flights for visits back home or other destinations

Budget Travelers

Customers focused on finding the most cost-effective flight options and budget-friendly travel arrangements

Luxury Travelers

Clients seeking premium or first-class flights, luxury accommodations, and high-end travel experiences

Adventure Seekers

Travelers interested in adventure tourism, such as hiking, trekking, or exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations

Cultural Enthusiasts

Individuals interested in cultural experiences and flights to destinations rich in history, art, and cultural attractions

Last-Minute Travelers

Customers with urgent or spontaneous travel needs, requiring quick and flexible flight bookings

Medical Travelers

Individuals traveling for medical purposes, including seeking specialized treatments, surgeries, or medical consultations abroad

Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR)

Customers traveling to visit friends and family members in different locations

Digital Nomads

Remote workers or digital nomads looking for flights to destinations where they can work and explore simultaneously